
2007 m. lapkričio 15 d., ketvirtadienis


A person who influenced me the most from my very beginning was my sister. She is older than me and always took care of me. For this reason I am very thankful.
Though some time ago when we were children we didn't get on well I still admired her. She was an example for me. My sister is very creative and stubborn, she always was reaching for the best. So for this reason I also had to try very hard to catch up her. And later on when we became great friends it was even better to watch her, how she deals big problems and still stays very calm. Then she helped me to reach my biggest goals in life and always to stay strong.
And know when I think what would I be without her... First I don't think I would know what means to have a real close friend and an example to follow. And what is more I don't think I would be studying here, she helped me to find myself. And even now she is very important to me,she's my support, and I'm her's.


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